Nova Scotia Labour Market Assessment 2024

The Nova Scotia Construction Sector Council (NSCSC), in partnership with Cape Breton Island Building and Construction Trades Council, Construction Association of Nova Scotia, Mainland Nova Scotia Building and Construction Trades Council, Merit Nova Scotia, and Nova Scotia Construction Labour Relations Association is conducting a Labour Market Assessment of the Industrial-Commercial-Institutional (ICI) Construction Industry across Nova Scotia.

We are inviting ICI Construction Industry Students, Apprentices, and Workers/Employees to take part in a study designed to collect up-to-date information on the state of the sector. The information you provide will help shape industry planning and inform critical decisions for workforce development in Nova Scotia.

You may exit the survey at any given time. Only the responses collected till the time you fill out the survey will be collected. Your answers will be kept strictly confidential. Your personal details will not be linked to your response.

Nova Scotia’s Privacy Legislation and any other applicable privacy laws will be followed. Individual responses will be anonymized and compiled. Once all survey responses are assessed, the results will be published in a printed report, and may be made available to the public via the Internet.

The survey should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.

If you choose to provide your name, phone number, and email, the first 1,250 valid respondents will receive a $20 Tim Hortons gift card (respondents eligible for the incentive must be living in Nova Scotia). All completed surveys will be entered in a draw to win 1 of 3 $500 dollar gift cards.

If you would like more information or have questions about this survey, please contact:

By selecting "Next page", you are consenting to participate in this study.
Please use the "Previous page" and "Next page" buttons to navigate through the survey. Please do not use the web browser back button as it may exit the survey.

The Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Construction industry, as defined by the Labour Relations Board of Nova Scotia, does not include pipeline construction, bridge building, road building, and the construction of sewers, tunnels and water mains, and house building. House building is defined as: “Construction of single family dwellings or duplexes for the purpose of residential use.”


This project is funded in part by The Province of Nova Scotia.