Departmental Needs Assessment : Family Planning/Building
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Departmental Needs Assessment : Family Planning/Building
Assessing Family Planning/Building and Parenting Needs of Residents/Fellows and Physicians on Faculty at the University of Toronto
PI: Dr. Andrea Simpson, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Toronto
Email :
Phone number :
Study Investigators :
Dr. Shirin Dason, Dr. Andrea Covelli, Dr. Savtaj Brar
You are being asked to participate in a research project aimed at
identifying whether there is a need for improved family planning support within the University of Toronto amongst practicing physicians that are part of the faculty, and those who are considering joining the faculty. As much of the previous research has focused on female reproductive goals, we aim to assess family planning/building/parenting for all genders. Identifying gaps is the first step to understanding whether change is needed from a systemic perspective to better support trainees as they transition into faculty roles and faculty members at all stages of their career.
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and all responses will be confidential.
If you agree to participate in this study, we ask that you complete the questionnaire below. Your consent will be indicated by completion of the initial question below.
No personally identifiable information will be reported in any publications or presentations that may result from this study.
All answers will be kept private and confidential. There are no risks associated with participating in this study. You will not receive a personal benefit from participating in this study but the results of this survey will fill a gap in the literature and contribute to future consensus documents. Please note that it is possible to exit the questionnaire at any time.
The information that is collected for the study will be kept in a locked and secure area by the study doctor for 10 years. Only the study team will be allowed to look at your records.
The following people may come to the hospital to look at the study records and at your personal health information to check that the information collected for the study is correct and to make sure the study followed proper laws and guidelines:
Representatives of the study organizing committee.
University of Toronto Research Ethics Board.
All information collected during this study, including your personal health information, will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside the study unless required by law. Any information about you that is sent out of the hospital will have a code and will not show your name or address, or any information that directly identifies you. You will not be named in any reports, publications, or presentations that may come from this study.
If you decide to leave the study, the information about you that was collected before you left the study will still be used. No new information will be collected without your permission.
If you decide to participate in our 10 minute survey, please complete the survey only once.
If you have any questions, concerns or would like to speak to the study team for any reason, please contact Dr. Andrea Simpson at :
If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant or have concerns about this study, you may also contact the R
esearch Oversight and Compliance Office – Human Research Ethics Program at
or 416-946-3273 if they have questions about their rights as participants
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