Real estate presentation for your classroom

This is an opportunity to have a lawyer come in to your class and explain how the law works and the role of lawyers in today’s society. This initiative seeks to give students an overview of buying, selling and renting, and the general real estate process, while also providing them with financial and legal literacy skills.

Do you know a lawyer you could invite into your classroom to present on real estate topics? We will provide the content and PowerPoint presentation.

A lawyer will lead the presentation or support you in your presentation by introducing students to the process, terminology, issues and different roles involved in a real estate transaction. The materials have been designed for in-class presentation and can be presented in less than one hour depending on the class time availabile.

If you are interested (whether you know a lawyer or not), submit your name and the location of your school and we will endeavour to find you an interested lawyer.

I am interested in participating!

*Your name




Work phone

Cell phone

Would you like us to match you with a lawyer?


Name of lawyer, if known

Contact information of lawyer, if known

Month, day and times you are available

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