District of Oak Bay 2024 Annual Community Feedback Questionnaire

Welcome to the District of Oak Bay 2024 Annual Community Feedback Questionnaire. The questionnaire asks Oak Bay residents and business owners about their experiences with the District's services and staff, and priorities for the future. Your responses will help the District better understand your needs and how they can best be met. This questionnaire should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. While responses are voluntary, your participation is important. If you would like to provide more feedback than is possible in this questionnaire, you can reach Mayor and Council at obcouncil@oakbay.ca.

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The information in this survey is collected under Section 26 (a), (c), and (e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA). Survey results will be used for statistical and research purposes only. When survey results are published, your responses will be combined with the responses of others so that you cannot be identified.  To help us protect privacy, please avoid personalizing any comments. Note that for online surveys, the District may collect IP addresses to monitor any unauthorized attempts to submit information or otherwise cause damage. IP addresses are not included in any published survey reports – the information is only accessible to authorized District personnel unless required for a law enforcement investigation. For questions related to FOIPPA or privacy management, please contact Corporate Services at 250-598-3311 or foi@oakbay.ca.