CARO Workshop 4 - Friday, September 13

Shining the Beam On The Next Generation: Increasing Trainee Interest in Radiation Oncology

Andrea Bezjak, Aaron Dou, Joy Du, Paris-Ann Ingledew, Srinivas Raman

Objectives: By the end of this session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe scholarship that illuminates barriers and enablers to medical students pursuing radiation oncology as a career path.
  • Describe current interventions to address these factors.
  • Identify future areas of scholarship, collaborations, and new initiatives.

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*Presentation Evaluation:

*Session objectives

*Please rate speaker effectiveness:

*Outcomes: As a result of attending this session, I am planning to:

*The content of this presentation was scientifically valid and balanced

*This session was free from indicators of undue industry bias

*This session was free from indicators of personal/other bias


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