CARO Workshop 1 - Friday, September 13

The Future is Data-Driven: System-Level Pan-Canadian Leadership to Support

Local Radiotherapy Data Standardization

Amanda Caissie, Caitlin Gillan, Brian Liszewski, Michelle Nielsen, CPAC Representative

Objectives: By the end of this session, the participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of standardized data in facilitating the consistent, transportable, and highest quality radiotherapy care of the future, including in use cases such as re-irradiation, emergency preparedness, patient-reported outcomes and AI-readiness.
  • Navigate existing and emerging resources and initiatives to support local and system efforts towards standardization of radiotherapy data; TG-263, O3, Canadian Big Radiotherapy Data Initiative, and the CPAC/CCS Pan-Canadian Cancer Data Strategy.
  • Contribute to CARO/COMP/CAMRT mandate through CADRA, to collaboratively inform and advance the leveraging of big data/AI in Canadian radiation medicine community in the interest of quality cancer care.

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