ROCK Quality Improvement Plan - Your Voice Matters!

We would love to get your feedback about our Quality Improvement Plan. Please take a few minutes to answer our short survey. All of your responses are confidential. Thank you!

1) Quality of Care
How important is receiving high quality service to you?

How can we improve the quality of services at ROCK?

2) Safety and Wellbeing
At ROCK, our goal is to have you feel safe during service, knowing that our staff will support and guide you if you are in a difficult time. How important is it to you to feel safe when receiving services?

How can we improve your safety while we provide services at ROCK?

3) Access to Care
How important is the accessibility of services? By accessibility, we mean the amount of time that you wait to receive a service.

How can we improve access to services at ROCK?

4) Is there anything else that you would like to share with us?

We would like to thank you for your feedback. We take your feedback seriously and will make sure your voice is included in our plans. To provide more information and feedback, please email

If you would like to talk to someone about your ideas or to share your experience, please add your name and contact information below. A ROCK representative will reach out to you. Thanks!