CARO Lecture - Curtiland Deville - Thursday, September 12

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Objectives:  By the end of this session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe the trends in demographic representation in Radiation Oncology and graduate medical education, characterizing the difference between “the pipeline problem” and disparities in specialty representation.
  • Identify potential barriers to diversity and inclusion in training and career development
  • Address potential interventions and solutions ongoing efforts to eliminate structural bias and systemic inequities in Radiation Oncology.

*Presentation Evaluation:

*Session objectives were adequately met:

*Please rate speaker effectiveness:

*Outcomes: As a result of attending this session, I am planning to:

*The content of this presentation was scientifically valid and balanced

*This session was free from indicators of undue industry bias

*This session was free from indicators of personal/other bias


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