*1) Do you live in West Vancouver?

*2) Choose the category (or categories) that fit you best:

*3) How old are the kids or teens in your life? 

Choose all that apply

*4) How often do you use the Youth Department (any space on the second floor)?

*5) When you visit the Library with a young person, how long do you usually stay? 

*6) What are the TWO most important things to you in a library space for kids and teens?

7) Is there a place you've been with the young people in your life that you've really loved? Tell us why you love it! It can be anywhere in the world and doesn't have to be a library or a place with books.

8) Does anything frustrate you about the current Youth Department space? Is there anything you wish we could fix or improve?

Tell us about it. 

9) Have you ever...

10) What do you like about our current space? Is there anything you don't want us to change?

11) Is there anything else you'd like us to know about your Youth Department experience?

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