
Informing an Industrial Strategy for Homebuilding

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Solving the Housing Crisis: Canada's Housing Plan (2024)(the Plan) and Budget 2024 announced a broad suite of measures that focus on:
(1) Building more homes;
(2) Making it easier to  rent or own a home; and
(3) Helping Canadians who can't afford a home.
To achieve the ultimate goal of building homes smarter, faster, and at prices Canadians can afford, the Departments of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Canada, are engaging with stakeholders and Canadians on an Industrial Strategy for Homebuilding.
The goal of this consultation is to solicit views from industry stakeholders and the general public residing in Canada, on the basis of two overarching questions:

  1. What should be the key features or elements of the Industrial Strategy for Homebuilding necessary to address the main industrial challenges facing Canada’s homebuilding ecosystem?; and,
  1. Within an Industrial Strategy for Homebuilding, which initiative(s) or measure(s), existing or new, would you consider as most needed or important to have a significant, positive and near-term impact within Canada’s homebuilding ecosystem?
Consultation Survey
This survey invites stakeholders, Indigenous rights holders and interested Canadians to share their insights on:
  • Enhancing productivity in Canada’s homebuilding ecosystem;
  • Incenting  innovation and technology adoption;
  • Supporting firm scale-up and access to capital;
  • Strengthening supply chains; and,
  • Applying global best practices to the Canadian context.
Your input will help to shape an Industrial Strategy for Homebuilding.
All questions are optional, allowing you to focus on areas of interest or expertise. Your responses will be kept private and confidential in accordance with laws designed to protect your privacy, including the Privacy Act.
The consultation period will be open for feedback until September 13th.
We thank you in advance for your important contribution. If you encounter any difficulties with the consultation survey or require accommodation, please contact