CARO Workshop 2 - Friday, September 13

Quantitative Imaging in Radiotheranostics – A Case-Based Discussion

Rebecca Wong, Carlo Uribe, Glenn Bauman, Ivan Yeung

Objectives: By the end of this session, the participants will be able to:

  • Describe current indications for radiopharmaceuticals in clinical practice.
  • Describe the principles of individualized dosimetry in radiotheranostics, important factors contributing to uncertainties in molecular imaging.
  • Describe the role of quantitative molecular imaging (PET, SPECT) (in diagnosis, treatment response prediction) in the rapidly expanding radiotheranostics arena.Please indicate which CanMEDS roles you felt were addressed during this educational activity:

*Please indicate which CanMEDS roles you felt were addressed during this educational activity:
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*Presentation Evaluation:

*Session objectives

*Please rate speaker effectiveness:

*Outcomes: As a result of attending this session, I am planning to:

*The content of this presentation was scientifically valid and balanced

*This session was free from indicators of undue industry bias

*This session was free from indicators of personal/other bias


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