Business Pressures Tipline

Online Submission Form

As a follow-up to the Business Metrics Report, we are launching CPBC Business Pressures Tipline today. The tipline provides an ongoing way for pharmacy professionals and the public to share concerns about how business pressures may be impacting public health and safety.

Information shared by registrants may be used to:

  • show that the issue is ongoing and CPBC continues to track emerging workplace pressure trends.
  • help identify pharmacy settings where registrants are experiencing these pressures.
  • contribute to CPBC's understanding of the nature of these pressures to inform action, such as policy change.

Please use this form to share your experience(s) about how business pressures in a pharmacy may be impacting your ability to meet practice standards and provide safe care.

Collection Notice

This online form is intended to be anonymous and the information collected will contribute to our understanding of the issues. Please do not include any personal information in your submission (such as individual or business names, addresses, phone numbers, PHNs, or any other information that could be used to identify you, pharmacy staff, pharmacy clients, or the pharmacy). Any personal information received through this online form may be deleted or destroyed under section 27.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Please note this form is hosted by SimpleSurvey. SimpleSurvey may collect technical information about you that is considered personal information, such as your IP address. For details, please refer to SimpleSurvey’s Privacy Policy. CPBC is able to access such technical information from SimpleSurvey on request but will not do so unless the information you submit discloses a risk of significant harm to the health or safety of an individual or the public or a group of people.

If you have any questions or concerns about this online form, its purpose or how your submission will be processed, please contact CPBC’s Privacy Officer at 604-733-2440 or